Free 10-30 Days Courier Delivery

FREE COURIER DELIVER - Normally it costs R55.00. 

Here you will find all items that are on FREE Courier Delivery (10-30 days delivery to your address or a nearby PEP store). Regularly, the courier delivery cost is R55.00 per order, and it is generally applied automatically when orders exceed R600.00. Here we are offering you the same FREE courier delivery, on any of the items below, even if you order is under R600.00. 


1. Add your product (from this category) to you shopping card
2. The 10-30 days Courier Delivery options for R55 will be pre-selected
3. Next, you will be prompted to enter in the Voucher/Discount code please use the discount code below
4. You will notice that the price will then reduce by the R55 courier charge. You may now complete your checkout process


Important Note: Products in the category will be changed regularly, therefore we cannot guarantee that a product you are interested in today, will be available tomorrow.

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